═══ 1. Cover ═══ "Traveling Workplace" Object Editor Version 1.30 Copyright (c) Syntegration Inc. 1993, 1996. All Rights Reserved. 3811 Schaefer Avenue, #J Chino, California 91710 U.S.A. Tel: 909-464-9450 Fax: 909-627-3541 E-Mail:73707.3331@COMPUSERVE.COM ═══ 2. License Agreement and Limited Warranty ═══ This program, including its code and documentation, appearance, structure and organization is a product of Syntegration and is protected by copyright and other laws. Title to the program or any copy, modification or merged portion of the program shall at all times remain with Syntegration. LICENSE - The following restricted rights are granted: You may: 1. Use the Program only on a single computer. The Program may be transferred to and used on another computer as long as the program is de-installed from the original computer, and under no circumstances be used on more than one computer at a time. 2. If you purchased an Enterprise Edition license for this Program, you may use the Program on as many computers as you have licensed. 3. Transfer the Program with this license to another person, but only if the other person agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you transfer the Program and License, you must at the same time either transfer all copies of the program and its documentation to the same person or destroy those not transferred. Any transfer terminates your license. 4. Include the program as part of a system that you resell. If you include the program as part of another system you must include this license agreement, acknowledge our copyright in your system documentation, and comply with the transfer clause. YOU MAY NOT: 1. TRANSFER OR RENT THE PROGRAM OR USE, COPY OR MODIFY THE PROGRAM EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN THIS AGREEMENT. 2. DECOMPILE, REVERSE ASSEMBLE OR OTHERWISE REVERSE ENGINEER THE PROGRAM. 3. REPRODUCE, DISTRIBUTE OR REVISE THE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION. LIMITED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Syntegration warrants that the disk on which the Program is furnished will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of delivery to you. ═══ 3. The Object Editor ═══ The Object Editor lets you create and edit a list of actions that can be performed against workplace shell objects. You can use these actions to create objects, delete objects, or change an object's settings. With this capability, you no longer have to write REXX programs in order to customize and build Workplace shell objects in an unattended fashion. Once you have built a list of actions, you perform them by selecting the File Run menu option. You can also perform the actions in the object list automatically when you start the object editor with the /RUN start-up parameter. Object action lists are stored in object make files (*.OMF). Object Make files are regular ASCII text files. These files can also be edited with any text editor such as the System Editor or the Enhanced Editor that comes with OS/2. Object make files are created by the Object Manager when it saves objects. You can use the Object Editor to: o Edit and restore objects saved by the Object Manager. o Populate a desktop with new objects. o Update workplace object settings. o Delete workplace objects. o Perform all the above in an unattended fashion. See Also: o The Object Window o Start-up Parameters o The Action Log o The "Customizing Workplace Objects" On-line Reference supplied with this product. Although thery are not required, here is list of additional references you may want to consult. o The "REXX Utility Functions" section of the "REXX Information" on-Line reference supplied with the OS/2 Operating system. A fair introduction to un-attended object management never mind the REXX. Look at the discussion on "SysCreateObject", "SysDestroyObject", and "SysSetObjectData" functions. You will quickly recognize the advantages of using the Object Editor but the information is invaluable. o IBM RedBook "OS/2 Configuration techniques: Cracking the Workplace shell" document number (GG24-4201-00). The on-line reference (GG244201.INF) is supplied with the Developers Connection CD-ROM. This may be more information that you need. If Desktop Management or Software Distribution in a network environment is one of your responsibilities then this reference is a MUST HAVE. o IBM OS/2 Developers Toolkit Workplace Shell on-line reference. This reference is supplied in the widely distributed Developers Connection CD-ROM A complete list of setup keywords and keynames for each object class is available in this reference. OK, most people will never go here. However, this and reverse engineering is the primary source of Workplace Shell information for developers. ═══ 3.1. The Object Editor Window ═══ The Object Editor window contains a set of controls that lets you describe Workplace Shell Objects. The page controls lets you navigate through the object list. Refer to the "Customizing Workplace Objects" Reference for details on how to describe workplace objects. Action Action items specifies the type of operation to be performed when the File Run command is invoked. You can select from the following actions: Create or update Create a new object or update the settings of any existing object with the given OBJECTID. The settings are updated with the information in the "Setup" entry field and the styles are updated with your style selections. Create or Replace Create a new object or replace an existing object with the given OBJECTID. The settings are replaced with the information in the "Setup" entry field and the object styles are replaced with your style selections. Create or Fail Create a new object or fail if an object with the given ObjectID already exists. Delete Location Delete the object specified in the LOCATION field. Update Location To update the object specified in the Location field using data in the Setup, Styles, and ObjectID fields. Class This field specifies the class of object to be created You can either select a class from the list box or enter your own class in the entry field. The class must be registered before any create action will to be successful. Title Enter the object's title in this field. Use the caret character "^" as a line delimiter when you want to create multiple line titles. Location You can select a location from the list box or enter your own location in the entry field. This can be specified as either an ObjectID or a file system path. When you specify a path you must use a fully qualified path name such as "c:\desktop\information". An ObjectID is delimited by the '<' and '>' characters. The location must exist in the desktop for the action to be successful. Note When you select any create action, the location field is used to specify where the new object will be placed. When you specify the Setup or Delete actions the location field specifies the object that will be acted upon. Object ID Enter the Object ID in this entry field. An object ID must include the '<' and '>' delimiters as described for the location. Unlike the location This field cannot contain a path name. The Object ID field is irrelevant for the delete action. Setup The Setup entry field allows you to describe attributes of the object. The attributes are entered in "keyname=value" pairs. These pairs change the behavior of the objects. "keynames" are separated by semicolons and "values" are separated by commas. If you want a literal comma or a literal semicolon inside one of the fields, enter the following: o ^, A literal comma o ^; A literal semicolon. Styles The object style checkboxes have 3 states. When the checkbox is disabled the style will be defaulted in the create action and unchanged by an update action. When the checkbox is checked the style will be set to YES. When the checkbox is unchecked the style will be set to NO. Template Checked Sets the object's template style (ie.TEMPLATE=YES). Unchecked Resets the object's template style (ie.TEMPLATE=NO). No Copy Checked Will prevent your from copying the object (ie.NOCOPY=YES). Unchecked Updates the object style to allow the object to be copied (ie."NOCOPY=NO;") No Move Checked Will prevent the object from being moved to another folder. A shadow will be created on a move if the "NOSHADOW" attribute is not set. Unchecked Resets the NOMOVE style allowing the object to be moved. No Shadow Checked Will prevent shadow creation. Unchecked Resets the NOSHADOW style allowing object shadows to be created. No Delete Checked Will prevent object deletion. Unchecked Resets the attribute and allows the object to be deleted. No Rename Checked Will disallow object Renaming. Use this attribute to prevent a user from changing an object's title. Unchecked Resets the attribute and allows the object to be renamed. No Print Checked Will disallow object printing. Unchecked Resets the NOPRINT style and allows the object to be printed. No Drag Checked Will prevent the object from being dragged with a mouse. Unchecked Resets the NODRAG style allowing the object to be picked up. No Drop Checked Prevents other objects from being dropped on this object. Unchecked Allows other objects to drop upon this object. No Settings Checked Will remove the "Settings" item from the pop-up menu. Unchecked Allows the "Settings" item in the pop-up menu. Not Visible Checked Makes the object invisible. Unchecked Makes the object visible. Page controls The buttons at the base of the Object Editor's window allow you to navigate between the object actions in the list and to perform record editing operations. The Edit menu also gives you access to some of these operations. Each button is descibed below. New The New button will insert a blank object record after the current object in the list. Insert The Insert button will insert a blank record before the current object in the list. Copy The Copy button will copy the current page to an internal scratch pad. The scratch pad data can then be inserted into another page by using the Paste pushbutton. Cut The Cut function will delete the current page and place a copy into the scratch pad. Paste The Paste function will insert the data from the scratch pad into the current page. Undo The Undo button will restore the currently displayed page to its original state. Top The Top button will move you to the first item in the object list. Bottom The Bottom button will move you to the last item in the object list. Page Up The Pg Up pushbutton will display the previous item in the list. Page Down The Pg Down pushbutton will display the next item in the list. Tree The Tree pushbutton will display a tree view of the list. Use this view to select items in the list ═══ 3.2. Action Log ═══ When That File Run command is invoked an log window appears to give a record of the success or failure of the actions as they are carried out. Pushbuttons in the Action log window behave as follows: o The "Save..." pushbutton will display a dialog box to allow entry of a file name to save the contents of the Action Log. o The "Print" pushbutton will cause the contents of the Action Log to be printed on the default printer. o The "Cancel" pushbutton will dismiss the Action Log window. ═══ 3.3. Object Editor Startup Options ═══ When starting the Object Editor from a command prompt you can specify options. The command line syntax is as follows: OBJEDIT filename [ options ] filename specifies an Object make file containing a list of objects and actions to be performed. The Program will read this file then allow you to edit the objects or execute the actions. The following options are allowed. /NOLOGO Do not display the initial product information screen /LOG[=LogFile] Log all operations to the specified logfile. If no log file is specified the program will write to OBJEDIT.LOG in the current directory. /HOME=OBJECTID allows you to specify an OBJECTID on the command line. The object maker will substitute the OBJECTID in the LOCATION or SETUP strings where it finds the keyword "" /RUN[=RunFile] RunFile specifies an Object Make File whose actions should be performed immediately. Use this and the /NOLOGO parameter together in order to perform the actions in an un-attended mode. The command line below invokes the Object Editor to execute the instructions in the MYOBJECTS.OMF make file. The initial logo screen is not displayed. OBJEDIT.EXE /NOLOGO /RUN=MYOBJECTS.OMF The following example shows the format of an Object Make File. Blank lines are ignored. Comment lines start with an asterisk. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │* │ │* Create a Folder on the desktop or │ │* update the settings if it already exists │ │* │ │CLASS "WPFolder" │ │TITLE "The Secure Workplace Utilities" │ │LOCATION "" │ │SETUP "NORENAME=YES;NODELETE=YES;OBJECTID=;" │ │ACTION U │ │ │ │* │ │* Create a Program object or │ │* update the settings if it already exists │ │* │ │CLASS "WPProgram" │ │LOCATION "" │ │TITLE "Object Editor" │ │SETUP "PROGTYPE=PM;" │ │SETUP "EXENAME=objedit.exe;" │ │SETUP "ASSOCFILTER=*.OMF;" │ │SETUP "NOCOPY=YES;" │ │SETUP "NORENAME=YES;" │ │SETUP "NOLINK=YES;" │ │SETUP "NOMOVE=YES;" │ │SETUP "OBJECTID=;" │ │ACTION U │ │ │ │* │ │* Update the settings of the object with ObjectID= │ │* │ │LOCATION "" │ │SETUP "DETAILSVIEW=FLOWED" │ │ACTION E │ │ │ │* │ │* Delete the object with ObjectID= │ │* │ │LOCATION "" │ │ACTION D │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 3.4. The Menu ═══ The following pages describe the Object Editor's Menu options. ═══ 3.4.1. File Menu ═══ The File menu contains commands that you use to create, open, save, and print data files. In addition, it also contains the command that you use to exit the application. The following commands appear in the File menu: New Creates a new untitled file Open Opens an existing file Save Saves any changes to current file Save As Saves the current file using a new name Print Prints the current object list file Run Performs the actions in each item in the object make file ═══ File New ═══ Use New to replace the current file with a new file named Untitled. If the current file has been modified, you will be asked if you want to save it before continuing. ═══ File Open ═══ Use the Open command to access a file that exists on any drive or in any directory. ═══ File Save ═══ Use the Save command to save changes you made to your object list file. ═══ File Save As ═══ Use the Save As command to name and save a new file. Follow these steps to save a new file: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Save As command. A dialog box appears, prompting you for a new filename. ═══ File Print ═══ Use the Print command to print an Object Make file. ═══ File Run ═══ Use the Run command to perform the actions described for each item in the object list. ═══ 3.4.2. Edit Menu ═══ The Edit menu contains commands that you use to cut, copy, and paste pages. The following commands appear in the Edit menu: Cut Copies current page to a scratch area and removes it from the action list. Copy Copies current page to a scratch area. Paste Pastes the scratch pad data into the current page. ═══ 3.4.3. Help Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Help menu to display: o An index of references to the help topics for the active program o General information about the contents of the active window o General information about the help facility o A list and description of keys you can use o Product information for the active program. ═══ Help For Help ═══ To get information on a particular item, place the cursor on the item then press the Help Key (F1). ═══ Keys Help ═══ and changes the displayed page. ═══ Help for Help Index ═══ Use the Help index to display an alphabetical list of references to help topics in the active program. You can select an index entry to display the Help topic related to that index entry. ═══ Product Information ═══ Select this menu item to display the product information window.